QOS Monitoring |
https://dqos.bocra.org.bw/ |
Ministry of Tourism, Environment and Communications of Swaziland |
http://www.gov.sz/ |
Postal and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe (POTRAZ) |
http://www.potraz.gov.zw/ |
Instituto Nacional das Comunicações de Moçambique |
http://www.incm.gov.mz/ |
Information and Communications Telecommuniaction Authority of Mauritius |
https://www.icta.mu/home/ |
The Zambia Information and Communication Technology Authority |
http://www.zicta.zm/ |
Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority |
http://www.tcra.go.tz/ |
Communications Regulatory Authority of Namibia (CRAN) |
http://www.cran.na/ |
Independent Communications Authority of South Africa |
https://www.icasa.org.za/ |
Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority |
http://www.macra.org.mw/ |
Lesotho Telecommunications Authority |
http://www.lca.org.ls/ |
Angolan Institute of Communication (INACOM)- Instituto Angolano das Communicacoes |
http://www.inacom.og.ao/ |
Communication Regulator of Southern Africa (CRASA) |
http://www.crasa.org/ |
Commonwealth Broadcasting Association |
http://publicmediaalliance.org/ |
International Telecommunication Union |
http://www.itu.int |
Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation |
http://www.cto.int/ |
African Telecommunications Union |
http://www.atu-uat.org/ |
Electromagnetic Software and Systems |
http://www.emss.co.za/ |
European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization |
https://www.cenelec.eu/ |
Mobile Manufacturers Association |
http://www.mmfai.org/ |