The preamble of the Communications Regulatory Authority Act 2012 suggests that BOCRA is responsible for the regulation of the communications sector in Botswana, comprising among others the Internet and Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs).
The foregoing notwithstanding, BOCRA facilitates the growth of the Internet market as part its role to facilitate the uptake of ICTs. The use of smartphones has led to increased number of people with access to mobile internet especially among the youth.
In a bid to improve the performance of the Internet, BOCRA issued Guidelines on Minimum Requirements for Internet
Connectivity in Hospitality Facilities, which among others sets minimum standards for Internet connectivity in the industry. The Guidelines are intended to provide guidance for the quality of Internet services and minimum bandwidth requirements to be adopted by both the Hospitality Facilities and Service Providers.
Wholesale Internet Bandwidth Prices
Wholesale Internet bandwidth prices/tariffs have been declining. The decline in wholesale Internet bandwidth prices is influenced by acquisition of Internet bandwidth capacity through the East Africa Sub Marine System (EASSy) and West Africa Cable System (WACS) undersea cables systems. It is also in keeping with international trends.
As a converged regulator, BOCRA is responsible for regulatory oversight of broadcasting, internet, postal and telecommunications services.