National Radio Frequency Plan
The basis for the Botswana Radio Frequency Band Plan is Section 47 of the Communications Regulatory Authority Act (CRA) and Article 5 of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Radio Regulations. The ITU Radio Regulations are annexed to the ITU Convention and are revised by the ITU World Radiocommunication Conference, normally held every three years. The Botswana frequency allocations are broadly in consonance with the ITU requirements for Region 1, within which Botswana falls under.
The table of frequency allocations presents the band plan for the future and present use of the radio spectrum in Botswana between 9 kHz and 105 GHz. The spectrum has been divided into frequency bands within which certain designated radiocommunication services may operate.
3.1 Frequency bands are shown in increasing frequency orders from 9 kHz to 105 GHz.
3.2 Column 1 indicates the frequency bands for the allocations.
3.3 Column 2 of the Table of frequency allocations refer to the ITU Region 1 Radio Regulations and the allocation of frequency bands to radiocommunication services, and is shown for
information only.
3.4 Column 3 is the National Allocation Column and it indicates the Botswana National Allocations. The National Allocations are also divided into Primary and Secondary Services. In most instances they are identical to the ITU Region 1 allocations, unless where the national footnotes describe other uses of the band or the region allocations are not suitable for Botswana
(e.g. some maritime services).
3.5 Column 4 indicates the main utilizations in Botswana. The column indicates the main service to which the band is allocated or the main service that presently uses the band. It does not mean that the service has exclusivity to the frequency and it is presented here mainly as a guideline. BOCRA might make changes to the main service depending on technical possibilities of sharing frequencies. In some cases the future use of the spectrum is so uncertain that the column is left blank. This is the case for many frequency bands above 60 GHz.
3.6 Column 5 is the frequency band/mid frequency column which gives specific details about services using the band and mid frequency where appropriate.
3.7 Column 6 is the Duplex Band column, which presents duplex bands used by the services mentioned in the previous column. It is mostly relevant to mobile services.
Column 7 is the Remark column which indicates several items such as; the name of the service that presently uses the band, future requirements in the band, name of the channel plan that is used/will be used for the band, indication of the national footnotes for migration etc.
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