News & Events



The Botswana Communications Regulatory Authority (BOCRA or the Authority) hereby invites experienced and reputable Local and International companies to tender for Supply, Installation, and Commissioning of Quality of Service (QoS) Monitoring System for both Fixed and Mobile Networks.

The Contractor will be expected to supply, deliver, install, test and commission a Quality of Service (QoS) Monitoring System for both Fixed and Mobile networks. The Contractor will also be expected to provide support and maintenance services for a period of two (2) years.

Bidders who are domiciled in Botswana must be registered with the Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Board (PPADB) under the following categories:

Code         120: ICT Technical Support Services
Subcode    01: Systems Development Services and Maintenance Services, and
                   05: Network Management and Maintenance Services


Code          118: Telecommunication Services
Subcode      05: Installation and Maintenance of Telecommunication Equipment and Systems

International companies are exempted from registration with the PPADB however, Tax Exemption Certificate issued by Botswana Unified Revenue Services (BURS) is required. Preferences will be offered to wholly citizen owned, majority citizen owned, and minority citizen owned service providers.
For foreign companies, preference shall be given to companies who undertake to enter into business (Joint Venture, Consortium, Associations or any type of Partnerships) with or
sub-contract portions of the work to 100% citizen-owned companies. Foreign-owned companies shall be required to sub-contract up to 30% of the contract to citizen-owned companies. Foreign Bidders domiciled outside Botswana must, in order to be considered for the tender, submit company registration documents issued by relevant authorities.
Youth owned companies in Botswana shall purchase the ITT at 50% of the purchase price as per Presidential Directive CAB 14 (B)/2015.

The Invitation to Tender (ITT) document should be purchased by interested companies at a non-refundable fee of P1 100.00 (One Thousand One Hundred Pula) VAT Inclusive. Payment must be made in the form of bank transfer or deposits to the following bank details:

Bank Name:                              First National Bank Botswana Ltd

Branch Name:                           Mall
Branch Code:                            28-28-67
Account Name:                         Botswana Communications Regulatory
Authority Bank Account No:    62011115088
Swift Code:                                FIRNBWGX
Reference:                                 BTA0001

Tender documents shall be issued upon provision of Proof of Payment (POP). POPs should be forwarded to . All funds transfer bank charges shall be borne by the bidder.

An Online Clarification Meeting for ALL registered bidders will be held on 25 April 2022 at 9am CAT. The meeting will focus ONLY on providing clarifications on Section 1 (Invitation and Instructions to Bidders) of the ITT.

Bids and all supporting documents should be submitted not later than 10:00hrs on 17 May 2022 or such other later date as the Authority may advise in writing, in the Tender Box located at the following address:

Botswana Communications Regulatory Authority

Plot 50671
Independence Avenue


Bids will be opened at 10:05 HRS on the 17 May 2022 at the BOCRA offices. Due to COVID-19 pandemic, bidders and the general public will not be allowed to attend the opening. Tender opening results will be shared with bidders through BOCRA Website.

BOCRA Procurement Regulations and Procedures shall apply to this tender.

Notwithstanding anything in the foregoing, the Authority is not bound to accept the lowest or any tender offer. For any further information regarding the tender, please contact:
Procurement Office at:

CLICK HERE to download the Tender Document.

Friday, April 8, 2022
PUBLIC NOTICE - Implementation of the new Licence fees for the Postal Sector

The Botswana Communications Regulatory Authority (‘‘BOCRA’’ or “the Authority’’) hereby informs the public that it has revised the licence fees for the Postal Sector. The new Postal Sector licence fees are outlined below and will be implemented from 1st April 2022.  

a)    Application Fee = P5 000.00.

b)    A 3-Tier System Fee Structure has been adopted for Annual Licence Fee as follows:

i.     Tier 1 Category: Operators with Annual Turnover => P5 million: to be charged an Annual Licence Fee at 0.5% of Net Turnover; 

ii.    Tier 2 Category: Operators with Annual Turnover between P500 000 and P4 999 999: to be charged an Annual Licence Fee of P10,000.00; and 

iii.    Tier 3 Category: Operators with Annual Turnover < P500 000: to be charged an Annual Licence Fee at P5,000.00

Note: All these licence fees shall attract Value Added Tax (VAT).  

Should you need any clarification on these fees, you may contact the following officers:

Mr. Tebogo Kabelo at 368 5581 or
Mr. Ogotseng Mogopodi at 368 5556 or

Friday, March 25, 2022
New Products And Services Approved Between October and December 2021

BOCRA has approved new products and services. CLICK HERE to download.

Thursday, March 10, 2022
PUBLIC NOTICE - Botswana Communications Regulatory Authority Notice of Awarded Tenders

A. BOCRA/PT/001/2021.2022

Tender Title Development of an Online Portal for Data Collection 
Method of Procurement Open Domestic Bidding 
Company Awarded University of Botswana Department of Computer Science
Contract Amount P1 995 000.00 (VAT Inclusive)
Contract Period 6 months 

B. BOCRA/PT/004/2021.2022

Tender Title Deployment and Support of SAGE 300 People Human Resources System 
Method of Procurement Open Domestic Bidding 
Company Awarded Businesoft Systems (Pty) Ltd
Contract Amount P 565 385.00 (VAT Inclusive)
Contract Period 2 Years

C. BOCRA/PT/005/2021.2022

Tender Title Consultancy Services for the Proposed Electronic Document and Records Management System
Method of Procurement Open Domestic Bidding 
Company Awarded ICL Botswana (PTY) LTD
Contract Amount P 4 587 967.62 (VAT Inclusive)
Contract Period 18 Months

D. BOCRA/PT/006/2021.2022

Tender Title Consultancy Services to Conduct Consumer / Operator Perception Survey
Method of Procurement Open Domestic Bidding 
Company Awarded Emang Professional Research Services (Pty) Ltd
Contract Amount P 345 075.72 (VAT Inclusive)
Contract Period 3 Months

E. BOCRA/PT/007/2021.2022

Tender Title Insurance Brokerage Services for Botswana Communications Regulatory Authority (BOCRA), Universal Access & Service Fund (UASF) and Communications Regulators’ Association of Southern Africa (CRASA)
Method of Procurement Open Domestic Bidding 
Company Awarded Exclusive Insurance Solutions
Contract Amount P 1 790 530.24 (Annual Fee) 
Contract Period 3 Years

F. BOCRA/2/7/12/21

Tender Title International Mobile Telecommunications Spectrum (IMT) Licences for the Provision of Mobile Broadband Wireless Access Services
Method of Procurement Open Domestic Bidding 
Company Awarded i.   Mascom Wireless
ii.  Orange Botswana
iii. BTCL
Contract Amount N/A
Contract Period 15 Years


CLICK HERE to download the Document.

Monday, February 28, 2022
PUBLIC NOTICE - Universal Access and Service Fund Notice of Awarded Tenders


Tender Title Supply and Installation of Integrated FM Transmitter Systems for Mabutsane, Malau, Senyamadi and Phitshane-Molopo Sites
Method of Procurement Open Domestic Bidding
Company Awarded Motlhaloga Investments (PTY) LTD
Contract Amount P3 364 646.11 (VAT Inclusive)
Contract Period 3 Years


Tender Title Supply, Installation and Commissioning of ICT Equipment at Fifty-Nine (59) Government Primary Schools in Kweneng District for Ministry of Basic Education (MoBE) and Universal Access and Service Fund (UASF)
Method of Procurement Open Domestic Bidding


The following are companies awarded tender UASF/PT/004/2021.2022:

Part Bidder Contract Amount (VAT Inclusive)
1 Flake Giants Holdings (Pty) Ltd P2 177 982.54
2 Pro-Tech Enterprise (Pty) Ltd P2 651 583.00
3 Cognate IV (Pty) Ltd P2 430 245.50
4 Raed Technologies (Pty) Ltd P2 653 258.85
5 HardPro (Pty) Ltd P2 265 130.98
6 Empire Synergy (Pty) Ltd P2 232 268.20


CLICK HERE to download the Document

Monday, February 28, 2022
PUBLIC NOTICE - Implementation of the New Licence Fees for the Postal Sector

The Botswana Communications Regulatory Authority (‘‘BOCRA’’ or “the Authority’’) hereby informs the public that it has revised the licence fees for the Postal Sector. The new Postal Sector licence fees are outlined below and will be implemented from 1st April 2022.  

a)    Application Fee = P5 000.00.

b)    A 3-Tier System Fee Structure has been adopted for Annual Licence Fee as follows:

i.     Tier 1 Category: Operators with Annual Turnover => P5 million: to be charged an Annual Licence Fee at 0.5% of Net Turnover; 

ii.     Tier 2 Category: Operators with Annual Turnover between P500 000 and P4 999 999: to be charged an Annual Licence Fee of P10,000.00; and 

iii.     Tier 3 Category: Operators with Annual Turnover < P500 000: to be charged an Annual Licence Fee at P5,000.00

Note: All these licence fees shall attract Value Added Tax (VAT).  

Should you need any clarification on these fees, you may contact the following officers:

Mr. Tebogo Kabelo at 368 5581 or
Mr. Ogotseng Mogopodi at 368 5556 or

Tuesday, February 22, 2022
PUBLIC NOTICE – Licence Surrender of Services and Applications Licence and Network Facilities Provider Licence

Botswana Communications Regulatory Authority (BOCRA) informs the public of the surrender of the licence issued to the company listed below:

Kasane Computers 2017/020 14/06/2018

This company has assured BOCRA that all necessary arrangements have been made with their customers and interested parties to ensure amicable termination or transfer of their services.

The Chief Executive
Botswana Communications Regulatory Authority
Private Bag 00495
Independence Avenue, Plot 50671

Tel: (+267) 395 7755
Fax: (+267) 395 7976

Tuesday, February 22, 2022
PUBLIC NOTICE: Cancellation of VANS Licences

Botswana Communications Regulatory Authority (BOCRA) informs the public of the cancellation/ expiration of Value Added Network licenses of the following companies.

i)    Business Solutions Botswana VANS: 016-2007/08 22/11/2007
ii)    Pan Africa/Mowana Digital ISP: 011/01 15/06/2001
iii)    Alfa Internet Services VANS: [052-2011/12] 12/04/2011
iv)    Byte Soft (Pty) Ltd VANS: [073-2015/16] 24/06/2015
v)    Cloudseed VANS: [059-2012/13] 08/03/2013
vi)    Fourth Dimensions ISP: 012/01 25/10/2001
vii)    VSAT Botswana VANS: [071-2014/15] 02/03/2015

Any company that has outstanding fees accrued during the validity of their licence is advised to settle same within fourteen (14)  days from publication.

The Chief Executive
Botswana Communications Regulatory Authority
Private Bag 00495
Independence Avenue, Plot 50671

Tel: (+267) 395 7755
Fax: (+267) 395 7976


Tuesday, February 22, 2022
PUBLIC NOTICE – Surrendered Licences Courier/Commercial Postal Operators

Botswana Communications Regulatory Authority (BOCRA) informs the public that the following companies have surrendered their Courier / Commercial Postal Operator licences and have ceased operation in Botswana under such license.

These companies have assured BOCRA that they have made all necessary arrangements with their customers and interested parties to ensure amicable termination or transfer of their services.

1.    Silvertron529 (Pty) Ltd CSL  01-13/14 27/01/2014
2.    Botswana Couriers and Logistics (Pty) Ltd CPO 05-13/14 23/08/2016
3.    Skynet Botswana (Pty) Ltd CPO 16-15/16 23/08/2016
4.    Enlink Freight Services Botswana (Pty) Ltd CPO 18-15/16 23/08/2016
5.    Parrot Worldwide Express (Pty) Ltd CSL 03-13/14 27/01/2014

Any company that has outstanding fees accrued during the validity of their licence is advised to settle same within fourteen (14) days from publication.

The Chief Executive
Botswana Communications Regulatory Authority
Private Bag 00495
Independence Avenue, Plot 50671

Tel: (+267) 395 7755
Fax: (+267) 395 7976


Tuesday, February 22, 2022
BOCRA Type Approval Verification Guidelines 2022

CLICK HERE to download BOCRA Type Approval Verification Guidelines 2020.

Thursday, January 13, 2022
